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AAM Africa Johannesburg Team Supports Madiba Day 2013

AAM Africa Johannesburg Team Supports Madiba Day 2013

The AAM Africa Johannesburg team got together on Madiba’s 95th Birthday to celebrate Madiba Day. The team aimed to bring a little bit of joy to the kids at Kings Hope Development Foundation.

King’s Hope Development Foundation was founded in June 2002. It is a community-based organisation, operating in and around Olievenhoutbosch Township, taking care of people infected and affected by HIV & AIDS, TB and other chronic conditions.

Among other supporting programs, the ORPHANS & VULNERABLE CHILDREN (OVC) Program started in January 2010, to serve orphans and vulnerable children under the age of 18. The objective of this program is to empower children to make healthy & safe lifestyle choices in order to provide a safe, caring environment in which they can develop good attitudes, knowledge, and improved school performance. The overall aim is to motivate them to utilize their rights and benefits in a positive manner.

Kings Hope offers these children  a hot meal, help with homework, washing of school uniforms and polishing school shoes, recreational activities, life skills activities, School holiday programs, healthcare and now ….. a play area!!! ….with lots of love from the AAM Africa Team.

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