AAM and GeoSys are pleased to announce that they have formed an Alliance to work together in Hong Kong and the wider region. The Alliance sees GeoSys and AAM cooperating to provide the Hong Kong geospatial industry with a broad range of 3D GIS and Web Mapping services.
Whilst AAM is well known as providing leading-edge data acquisition services across Asia, it is also increasing its offering in deploying and utilising spatial data amongst its client base. This has involved the development of the leading 3D GIS Visualisation and Analysis software: K2Vi. As a Business Partner of Latitude Geographics, AAM is enabling its clients to deploy their own sophisticated webmapping sites with their Geocortex software. Clients are creating and publishing their own task-specific internet or internet sites, for Workstation or mobile deployment.
GeoSys’s background in geospatial webmapping services will assist AAM to better deliver these services to Hong Kong based clients.
AAM and Geosys will be holding a series of client-focused and Industry-wide seminars on 3D GIS and Web Mapping after Chinese New Year.