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Mark Freeburn explains how geospatial integration is redefining the business landscape

Mark Freeburn explains how geospatial integration is redefining the business landscape

Mark Freeburn recently spoke with the editor of Geospatial Media on the ways that geospatial data are integrating with business practices to create effeciencies in wide range of applications, such as powerline management, road design, urban planning, emergency aboservices, and many government agencies.

Technological advancements in computing capacity and power, and cloud and network proliferation, along with the desire for smarter and interconnected urban environments, are propelling 3D geospatial to new levels. AAM’s contribution is to combine the best minds and the state-of-the-art practices and build a 3D GIS platform that brings BIM (Building Information Modeling), virtual reality and traditional GIS analysis and interrogation into a single user interface.

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AAM CEO Mark Freeburn speaks about the uses of Geospatial data

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