The project will provide Singapore authorities with the capability to extend their analysis and visualisation to include height. The new layers include accurate terrain, detailed surface models and high resolution imagery. SLA also wants to create high quality photorealistic building models of Singapore’s urban areas. The 3D buildings will be both spatially correct and highly photorealistic to meet the diverse range of uses which the various authorities have.
The companies delivering this project, AAM Pty Limited and JTRS Registered Surveyor are pleased to announce that the data acquisition phase of this project is now complete.
AAM had two of its survey aircraft in Singapore to capture the required base data. One aircraft was fitted with a LiDAR sensor using laser technology to measure the ground at 40cm intervals. AAM will utilise this dense and accurate LiDAR data to produce a detailed terrain model of Singapore. The LiDAR also measured every building, tree and structure across the country.
AAM’s second aircraft in-country was fitted with a new Oblique survey camera. This five camera system captured nadir photographs over Singapore to produce a high resolution photomosaic. It also photographed the façades of every building. AAM will utilise this imagery to add photo-realism to 3D building wireframes created from LiDAR and photography. Aerial data collection proceeded smoothly, adhering to the security restrictions existing within Singapore, thanks to the extraordinary cooperation extended by SLA, CAAS and other authorities involved.
All of the data for this project will be integrated into SLA’s systems and workflow using AAM’s K2Vi software. This 3D visualisation and analysis package provides workstation and web-based functionality to the buildings, terrain, vector and imagery products.
Singapore has a large archive of quality geospatial layers. This project will extend the capability, efficiency and reliability of government decision making by providing a world’s-best-practice 3D map of the Republic of Singapore.