Home » Ecopia 3D Land Cover powered by Woolpert

Ecopia 3D Land Cover powered by Woolpert

High-precision 3D & 2D vector layers for Australian cities

Partnering with Ecopia AI to map Australia’s top metropolitan areas in 3D

Woolpert is partnering with Ecopia to map Australia’s top metropolitan areas in 3D. Together, we are targeting 70% of Australia’s population with 3D mapping, including metropolitan areas such as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth.

Leveraging Woolpert’s 10cm resolution aerial imagery, Ecopia will identify 15 land cover features. The resulting vector maps provide you with a detailed, accurate, and up-to-date foundational layer of geospatial data that represents the dimensional world as we know it. 

Ecopia AI is revolutionising how artificial intelligence (AI) impacts the world of maps and geospatial data. Using proprietary advanced AI technology, Ecopia mines high-resolution imagery and automatically transforms pixels into geometrically accurate vector maps at a nationwide scale. Ecopia’s feature extraction process captures land class layers, including heights when applicable, with the precision you expect from a GIS professional, but the automation-level speed, scale, and efficiency of AI. This unique mix of accuracy and scale enables Ecopia to offer high-precision vector maps at significant cost savings compared to current workflows or market options.

Comprehensive land cover data for geospatial analysis & decision-making

Ecopia works with a growing list of agencies across all levels of government to map nationwide, statewide, and local communities at a speed, cost, and accuracy never before achievable. Leveraging Ecopia’s 3D Land Cover powered by Woolpert with your other first and third-party data sources can power strategic decision-making for a variety of critical geospatial workflows related to climate resilience, urban planning, broadband expansion, and more.

Flood modeling, mapping, & risk analytics

Use accurate surface delineation and 3D features to enhance flood modeling and inform mitigation tactics

Stormwater drainage & utility fee assessment

Utilise accurate impervious and pervious surface data layers to better understand stormwater runoff and calculate a fair fee structure based on per parcel impervious coverage

Green infrastructure planning & monitoring

Power green infrastructure projects by planning with more accurate as-is site plans, and incentivise citizens to embark on their own projects through rewards for positive per parcel surface change

GIS management

Fuel your GIS database with accurate planimetric layers that can be easily updated with every new image

Conservation monitoring & environmental management

Keep tabs on your community’s environment through accurate tracking of urban and green space coverage