AAM is pleased to invite you to a technical seminar, GeoIT Solutions for Smart Cities, featuring presentations and demonstrations from AAM, the Open Geospatial Consortium and Ordnance Survey International.
Date and Time: Thursday 5th May, 1300 – 1700
Location: Pan Pacific
7 Raffles Boulevard, Marina Square, Singapore
Level 2, Ocean Rooms 2-3
What is it about?
- How your organisation can harness Virtual Singapore’s world-leading geospatial 3D content in your Smart Nation programs.
Who should attend?
- Technical employees and managers including IT managers, CITO’s, GIS experts and mapping professionals
- Government departments, industry organisations and education and research agencies
What will you learn?
- Interaction and applications of very resolution 3D models of Singapore
- Benefits of implementing location aware technologies in your organisation
- Smart management, sharing and integration of geospatial information using web browser and smart phone / tablet devices
- Benefits of adopting Cloud Based Geospatial Technology approach
Register now with Reena Wee at r.wee@aamgroup.com or by calling 6653 8673.