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New Geocortex Releases in Time for OZRI

New Geocortex Releases in Time for OZRI

Latitude has just released new versions of Geocortex Essentials, the Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 and the Geocortex Viewer for Silverlight. The updated versions coincide with OZRI 2013 in Brisbane from the 4 – 6 September.

The releases include a significant amount of development and provide many new features and fixes. Please bear in mind that some of these improvements only apply to the latest version of the software. AAM consultants will be at OZRI to discuss these improvements further.

Below is a short list of the key additions included in these releases.

Geocortex Essentials 3.15

Key additions:

  • Compatible with ArcGIS Server 10.2
  • Comprehensive Support for Coded Value Domains. A new feature called the Services Enhancement Proxy can be used to improve and standardize the handling of feature data with coded value domain fields, among other things.
  • Standardized Presentation of date/time Data. The Services Enhancement Proxy is also used to standardize the presentation of date/time data.
  • Access ArcGIS Online secure content. Public ArcGIS Online content has been supported since Geocortex Essentials 3.12. With this release, administrators can now create sites and applications that contain secured content from ArcGIS Online.
  • Feature Clustering. Flare Cluster Symbols on Feature Layers with colour and threshold control.
  • Heat Maps. Heat map symbolization of Feature Layers with colour gradient control.


Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 1.3

Key additions:

  • Toolbar. Added a highly configurable toolbar component. Supports desktop, tablet and mobile with shared or individual configurations.
  • Home Panel.  Added support for a configurable Home panel.
  • Legend. Add a legend for ArcGIS Dynamic Map Service layers, Feature Services and basic WMS services. Functions in offline mode when working with Feature Services.
  • Printing Interface. Added an interface for printing.
  • Sorting and Paging. Added sorting and paging to results in table views.
  • Editing Enhancements. Resolved a number of issues around On Demand feature layers. Improved validation and enhanced support for types, sub-types and coded domain values.

Geocortex Viewer for Silverlight 1.10

Key additions:

  • Automatic Resolution of Coded Value Domains and Subtypes. When attribute values are displayed, the coded value description is now shown instead of the code stored in the geodatabase for fields with coded value domains or subtypes.
  • Support for Heat Maps and Feature Clustering. Configure heat maps and clustering properties on layers in Geocortex Essentials 3.15.
  • Support for Protected ArcGIS Online Content. The Geocortex Viewer for Silverlight now allows users to provide their ArcGIS Online named user account in order to access protected ArcGIS Online web maps and map services.
  • Richer Support for Editing and Resymbolizing Existing Markup. Once markup is added to the map, users can now resymbolize that markup.

Over 200 bug fixes and UI improvements are also included in the new versions. Please consult the release notes of each product for more detailed information is contained in the release notes for each product available from the Latitude website.

Please contact us to speak with a consultant about how web mapping with Geocortex can benefit your business.

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